Friday, July 11, 2008

6:16 Wikis

Having struggled with HMTL and web page design, the easiness of wikis is a huge selling point.  I also like the dynamic feel of wikis.  Although there is naturally a concern over wikis being corrupted by poor or biased entries, the idea of using the power of a collective intelligence is appealing.  While it may be hard to give up control, in this day and age why try to "do it all by yourself?"

One of my favorite school wikis that I discovered last year is from East Anchorage High School and is located at:  I like the box of alphabetical subject web links and have, on paper, designed my future school library wiki based on this one.

The "Sample Literary Circle Wiki" is a great example of a classroom wiki.  I hope that more teachers will come to use wikis.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I think it is a great idea to check out other school library wikis and pick and choose the features you like best.