Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Week 5:12 Voice Thread

I watched several of the Voice Thread tutorials, it is so easy....one just needs to have time to set something up.  It could be used for a book club... members could comment in general terms about the book being read (like/dislike/etc.).  It also might be useful as a "virtual library suggestion box" or as a virtual survey about various school matters. 

 I will be the new VP of our school's PTSA in the fall and establishing a blog and using Voice Thread might be a good way to share information and to gather opinions as few people have time to attend meetings.


Katie said...

I think using Voice Threads to gather input on an issue for PTA sounds like a great idea. So many of the military families are big computer users so it seems like it might be a perfect tool. Keep me 'posted'. (eew, that was bad.)

Beach Dreamer said...

Your ideas of using voice thread as an input source for schools,libraries and Pta is a good idea.